Advantages of glass flooring

A glass floor can be a refined addition to the design of the room. Alongside with a guaranteed strength of the glass floor design, it also brings a touch of weightlessness and extraordinary lightness into the room. Absolutely safe and durable triplex is used for the manufacture of such floors. The thickness of the triplex is calculated so that the glass floor can withstand a load of at least 300 kg per square meter which is the key to safety.
Glass flooring has become popular in recent years. Most often it is installed in the interfloor overlap. This transparent fragment of the floor covering is called walkable glass because of its strength and stability, contributing to a high degree of permeability.

The illuminated glass floor gives the space a playful architectural look, but also offers a number of other important advantages.
As it is already said, the glass floor looks very beautiful, but this is not the most important reason why people install the glass floor. But why? There are two very big advantages that a glass floor can offer to space, namely, the visual expansion of a room or space and light.
The glass floor is made of special tempered glass, so it is durable and resistant to stress. But often people find this kind of decor a bit dangerous to start walking on it without fear. Is it strong enough? Can it crack easily? Giovani Glass specialists will provide all responses. To ensure that fears do not materialize, it is very important to trust professionals. To ensure the safety of the glass we need a steel structure. We also use tempered laminated glass with a thickness of up to 5 cm, which is quite durable. The glass during manufacture is specially processed to acquire enhanced properties to the loads and the effects of chemicals. You can put a decor inside the glass in the form of photographic images, shells, stones, beads and other trifles. Finally, you can simply apply frosted glass when it comes to intimate rooms.


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